I have had many kind souls offer me a educational seminar on the historical facts of the crucifixion- that the Romans nailed people to the cross through the wrist and not the hand. I have had people call it the "creepy hand" and blog about the mysterious church in the Carnegie Building. And I have even had one woman yell at me that I should be ashamed of myself for displaying a "violent, graphic, and offensive" image. She suggested that we should go after a much more loving image than someone being brutally killed. I tried to explain to her that the crucifixion marks in the hand of Jesus is actually the most loving image I know. She didn't like that so much. So, you can only imagine why I typically brace myself for some heated conversation whenever the topic gets brought up.
I tell you all that because of this...

Last Thursday, a woman came to the church building during the middle of the day asking to talk to a pastor. She had recently moved to the area, was in the process of securing work, and had a number of significant challenges facing her and her almost teenage son. After letting her talk and hearing her story for quite a while, I finally asked the question, "If you just moved here, how did you come to find us? Do you know someone that is part of our church family?" Then she replied, "Well, you are never going to believe this" And with that she started to search through her pockets to show me something.
Initially, I wasn't sure what she was going to pull out. Being downtown has prepared me to expect just about anything. But, after checking a few pockets, she pulled out her cell phone and she showed me a picture she had taken. She said, "Back in March, when I used to live in Arizona, I took this picture and felt as though there was something very special about it." Then, as she turned the phone to show me, I saw that it was a picture of a hand with a shadow of light directly in the middle of the palm. She then went on to say, "I was walking downtown one day and I came across your sign. As soon as I saw your logo, I knew that I had to come check it out and that it would be a good place."
As I heard that, I chuckled and thought, "Score one for the 'creepy hand.'"