Friday, August 1, 2008

Church as a Gift

Even though I haven't been "doing ministry" for that long, over the past 9 years of pastoral ministry, I have seen in my own soul the best of serving the Lord and I have seen the worst.  And one of the greatest challenges to every person in vocational ministry is to find the balance between self-effort and God's activity.  One of the most common traps that is so easy to fall into is to buy the lie that any "success" or growth in a ministry is due to your own hard work, natural talent, and/or personal effort.  You will often hear at pastor's conferences, "Yeah, I started out with only a handful of people and then I grew it to hundreds or thousands."  Really, you grew it.

I have been reminded and humbled in this regard recently by my most recent job change and ministry assignment.  As most of you know, I just moved up to Olympia to pastor a church that is bit over 2 years old with about 200 people in the downtown area.  

And here's the beauty of it right now for me- this church is a gift of God by His grace... period.  I was saying to my wife the other day.  I have done absolutely nothing to earn, deserve, or merit this church.  I can't even be tempted right now to take any credit because I haven't done anything but show up.  The people aren't there because of me- they don't know me.  They aren't gathering because of my great sermons- they've heard only a couple.  I didn't plant this church, I haven't "grown" this church, and I have no claim to it.  It belongs to Jesus.  I am grateful for those who have gone before and labored to get it to this place, but again, it wasn't me.

Every day I come to serve and every chance I get to preach, I do so with thankfulness and joy because it really isn't my church at all.  And I pray that as the years go on, I would remember that.  When I am tempted to take credit down the road, may I remember that this is a gift.  It doesn't belong to me and if anything of spiritual worth comes from it, all credit, glory, and honor must go to One who really is building His church... and that's Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome to hear you guys sold the house in Vancouver! We have been praying about this for you... and for your transition to life in Olympia. Love you guys lots!