Thursday, August 7, 2008

We Bought a House... No We Didn't

Just keeping you up to date on the Jones' house saga...

Last Thursday night we put an offer on a house that we have had our eyes on for the past several months.  Because it is a "buyer's market," we offered $10,000 under the asking price and awaited a response.  Maybe I should say that we patiently awaited their response.  

Contractually, they were supposed to respond by Friday night.  Friday night came and went with promises of news by Saturday.  Saturday night came and went with promises of a Sunday deliberation.  By Sunday night they were saying that we would hear by 12 noon on Monday.  So, finally, some time Monday afternoon, they responded with a counter offer that was just slightly over our pre-determined limit.  While we probably could have pushed it and made it work, we didn't feel right pushing our boundaries.

So, after all that- we walked away trusting that God has another house for us.

In the meanwhile, we are continuing our greater-Olympia house tour.  First Tumwater, then the Westside of Olympia, then Tumwater again, then Lacey, and now a house out in the country toward Yelm until next Tuesday.  

Please pray for us because living out of a suitcase for a month is wearing on all of us a bit.


kares said...

Wow, quite the ordeal you guys have! I miss you all and appreciate your prayers. Praying you find a house soon, and when you do, you can bet that we will be up there for the housewarming party!

Anonymous said...

Well, just make sure you have an extra room so I can come live with you again. Logan needs an older brother.